We understand that receiving material as soon as it breaks and sports reports close to deadline is essential. Our key clients’ newsrooms are directly connected to Newslink so that stories are delivered within seconds in the correct format.
When a contributor sends a story, an Editor needs to see it 100% of the time within minutes, preferably seconds – this is the service Newslink delivers. We have a comprehensive Service level in place to ensure we meet our clients needs with 100% platform uptime over the past 10 years.
Newslink understands that the data we handle is confidential and must be treated with utmost sensitivity and discretion. We constantly invest in all levels of security to ensure the services provided on behalf of clients is not compromised.
The Newslink service supported 24 hours a day, seven days a week by our Global Messaging support team. The team are there to answer any queries/problems you may have. Please call for any urgent issues.