Time Line
2012 Work begins to upgrade all Newslink applications under the name of Newslink Media Services.
2009 Tradeclips was developed and rolled out. Browser based application to upload, store and syndicate pictures, text and video.
2005 Copywriter made more robust and rebranded Newslink Agency – new installations were carried out at every UK News Agency.
- Wordflow Correspondent, standalone version to write copy, edit and send was developed.
2004 Purchase of Copywriter from Greytide, who were dissolved - to ensure Newslink clients had continuity of service.
2003 Dolphin Finance, private equity company purchase Newslink and the Cable & Wireless Global Messaging service setting up Wirefast.
- Image distribution service developed at the request of our publishing clients. A web based service complementing the core text based news wire.
2002 Newslink Financial released following accreditation by the FSA as a Primary Information Provider (PIP). The service is aimed at public companies required to release price sensitive information in the regulated financial markets.
2001 The Newslink service was successfully transferred from Cable & Wireless to the new platform developed by Wire2. The entire migration was completed within one month. Newslink PR was launched in the same year.
- Wire2 name was changed to Newslink.
2000 Cable & Wireless decided to withdraw from the Newslink service. Wire2 Limited formed to develop a Newslink replacement service. Development started in February and was completed a year later.
1996 Cable & Wireless appointed Hothouse Media Services, as their agent to manage the Newslink service and assist in media development.
1992 All national newspapers connected to Newslink to collect copy from staff and freelance journalists.
1986 Mercury Communications (a subsidiary of Cable & Wireless plc) awarded a contract by News International to provide a news wire for staff and freelance journalists.